GSP4$TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$0o߾Lz26` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` ArialComic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' C><+<0>><+>>>><+<0>>>>><0><0>>nQ\aAt[1]C? 9nb Y<0> B01SB~A~ B~1&nQ\aAgY 9nb L<0> B0+SB~A~ B~+%nQ\aAyLnA`r@ b@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  H:n   """")"""")@XC8n C@A  :pM?B ]  $0  <0> 9x E<0> X0!SB~A~ B~tC!$  dEA3   G<0>0 3 b D<0> B0SB~A~ B~tC$p` E8 xvc>>> 9 9t C<0>H<ja T0 'SB~A~ B~tC'"gC70 3 b HD<0> B0SB~A~ B~tC!p` E8 >      E(nQ\aApravac i toka> n     E$nQ\aA udaljenost> n   EnQ\aAmjera> n   E nQ\aAformula> n   E nQ\aAsreeno> n   E50nQ\aAopet mii B i promotri> n   EJ&nQ\aA bez korijena n0.>)-# TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$#ț Lz27` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') P~@`t@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  C8nC@@AC8C @@B  &(\?"C micati%0     S<0>J%0     u<0>J    0 3  j <0> J0 SB~A~ B~   `` 4 *2  <0>Jms~>>mst>>><+><+>>><+><+>>><+<0>><+<0>><+<0>><+<0>><+<0>>>>t{\% ><+<0>><|><+<0>><(><+<0>><+<(>>><0>>% *E 9v ,u<0>H<ja V0 %SB~A~ B~tC%g,uA3    ,<0>J0 3 b ,<0> B0SB~A~ B~tC!p` E8PN%;>>>>%>     mnQ\aAtoke> n     $nQ\aA udaljenosti> n    nQ\aAmjere> n    nQ\aAformula> n   "nQ\aApromotrit> n   "nQ\aArjeenjet> n   &nQ\aA pouak o cos -#TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$$6$Lz28` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' mR>><0>>nQ\aAt[2]mR 9nd <0> D06SB~A~ B~ 6$nQ\aAfnAP}@~@4(@ 4r\./@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  H:n   """")"""")@X n :v]u?"B micati/   -  C4     `RMlj?bR  L?a*2L   <0> LL  ?R /   -   ?v=q>=qddQ><+>>>VA3    6<0> 9n ^<0>H<=1 N0 'SB~A~ B~'$f^cw0 3 b <0>H<=1 B0SB~A~ B~p` E8HHO5>>>>OV>     `nQ\aAideja> n$       (nQ\aAtrokut i mjera> n    "nQ\aApromotrim> n    "nQ\aArjeenjem> n    &nQ\aA geometrijskia> n     u nQ\aApravaci-#TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$Lz29` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') CP~@Ps@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n   9nh q<0>H<=1 H0)SB~A~ B~)fqsH:   """")"""")@X  :dg;? micati/  /   -  D -  B  ?x      ) ?y5[  *2   <0>A3    <0>E8 9> 9>    C nQ\aApravac> n    X$nQ\aA pravokutnik> n   m"nQ\aApovrinain/z>>>>>>>>A9x/ > n   "nQ\aArjeenjei> n    "nQ\aApromotrii-#TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$&Lz32` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' >1 F؃@Px@@tta>@42><+><+<0>><+><+>>>><+><+>>>><+><+>>><+><+><+>>><+><+>>>><-><+>>><+><->>><0><0>>^)@@u@4(@ 4AbC(@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6ނņj@: &n  nQ\aAy='n   n@u@@Ȁ@`}@@   @ Qk??0?"A micati>    "nQ\aA rjeenje2? n   -n   -n  J. / /  - I/  - H5 ?a 0Ժ?b/2 ?a/2   ?rA3   <0>nQ\aAm[1]n0 3nb <0>H<=1 B0SB~A~ B~2`nQ\aAa*2n  <0>"nQ\aApovrinaE8n! >    "    "nQ\aApromotri> n   "nQ\aArjeenje> n$   $nQ\aA pravokutnik> n!   nQ\aAmjera-# TQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.$9Lz33` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' 8@`w@@|@0s@@P~@ e@@  @%An꿸'Ho?A ˜?\y?D / .  -  C -  /   -  Bz@o@@  /@  @ @ޣE?H ?   -  F/  -  G - E5        <+>>>>  F>>>>F``~XL>~Xn wlP?x oou?a-x*2  *<0>%0   l<0>nQ\aAa1n ?a1<-><+<0>>><+<0>>>><+<0>>><+><+<0>><+><+>>><w>>><->>>>>xx<w$0  Q<0>nQ\aAaG 9n'z <0>T2 p Z0'SB~A~ B~'``f$0  <0>0 3 ()b :<0>H<=1 B0SB~A~ B~!p` )p@@4(@+ 4@z%~3@: &@ +, nQ\aAx6(n, 6{J%@: &n +. nQ\aAy='n -/ E8n)*0> "'#    pnQ\aAmjere> n  !    nQ\aAtrokut> n%    nQ\aAideja> n&   "nQ\aArjeenje> n   "nQ\aA rjeenje2> n   "nQ\aA rjeenje3> n$    U"nQ\aAkvadrat2> n$)(*1/-,+   ,nQ\aApomii H i promotri-#0VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$+Lz34` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' @n@@#<+<0>>>>^#X@II>II@PN!8:<+>>>!8l 9@l <0>H<=1 L00SB~A~ B~b0P)P@|@x@4(@ 4GZ X@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6n|@: &n   nQ\aAy='n   C8n C@C8 C@    j.?N.  /  -  O - Q T ?y ?x  54  *2  <0>"nQ\aApovrinan  ?x  `1M?yA3    <0>0 3 b "<0>H<=1 B0SB~A~ B~bp` E8 >    -E$nQ\aA pravokutnik> n   /mnQ\aAideja> n   /ZnQ\aAmjera> n   0"nQ\aAfunkcijai> n#    0nQ\aAosi> n   0,nQ\aAmii N i promotritinHH4>>>>2)@> n&   1"nQ\aArjeenjep> n   0"nQ\aA rjeenje2> n   2"nQ\aAfunkcijan  n  -# VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$i1Lz35` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' `{@s@@@r@ y@@ @  -@ -@ @ @  -@ -@  -@ -@ @  @  @   @ "nQ\aApovrinan   >><0>>><+>><0><-<0>>>>>>>>>> -n n   n!> n    O nQ\aAvisinaa> n    d"nQ\aArjeenje> n"    y"nQ\aA polovite)n@r@0y@4(@& 4p\.3@: &@ &' nQ\aAx6(n' 6\.B@: &n &) nQ\aAy='n (* B3n +  1<0>yE8n,+> *('-,    ,nQ\aAmii B i promotri > n   g6nQ\aAmjera> n(     3$nQ\aA pravokutnikn$$*>>*>-#+VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$Lz28a` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') B@@z@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n   9nd h<0>H<=1 D06SB~A~ B~ 6$fhhH:   """")"""")@X  :TWP?"A micati/   -  C4     .^?b  O|?a$0O  :<0>OPP<>@O:r>:rO k><+<0>><+><+><+><+<0>>><0>> kO<:'>> 9O| <0>T2 p \06SB~A~ B~tC6!  c3A3    *B<0>0 3 b 'a<0>H<=1 B0SB~A~ B~tC#p` E8TT@@<->>>>x@5>    GnQ\aAideja> n   q"nQ\aApromotri> n   "nQ\aArjeenje> n   &nQ\aA geometrijski> n4      [ nQ\aAtrokut-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$t/L38` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MS ArialSa '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' A@>>>>>xaA@ nQ\aAC`x@Py@@" <+><+>><+><+<0>><+><+>><->>>>nQ\aAt[1]"Y.4(n 4r\.@: &n  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nBp@Py@@A`x@Py@@   @ [ ?M  ?x  /   - C.  .   - D     ?x  ?y   - F. /   - E    ?y     7  > 4    *?"nQ\aAkvadrati> n! "   (Y$nQ\aA esterokut4n 4 >  &%   +(nQ\aAShow Trianglesn44\ <+><+><+<0>><+>>>>\]> n(   +"nQ\aA rjeenje2> n   )"nQ\aArjeenjeA3n    87<0>*2n"  b<0>.nQ\aApovrina esterokutaE8n+,> -+   (*nQ\aAmii M i promotri> n,   ,vnQ\aAmjera-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$ULz39` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' @h@@P~@p@@Aq@}@@B@}@@ @  -@ -@ C )&RL?a& ɼ?a V?a  Nozӛ?M.  .   -  Q -  P     $0  *<0>v4 4   ?x  dSr?a-x  ?v1  ?v2/  -  ?a/2< ]grV@\.2@?   - !  - #!. $. "# - %& "' '$ ?v2-v1< ]grV@\.2@? + - *, - ,. .*. - - /0 -1 1.< ]grV@\.2@? 4 - 5  - 75. 8. 67 - 9: 6; ;8/  - > ??a/2 - @ A?v1-v2> <=()    nQ\aAvisine> n 32*@BA    "nQ\aArjeenje\> n     nQ\aAoznakee> n   (nQ\aAShow Segment PQ> n   "nQ\aAparalelee> n     nQ\aAtrokuti> n   #nQ\aAmjera)nq@}@4(@J 4\.B@: &@ JK nQ\aAx6(nK 6\.B@: &n JM nQ\aAy='n LN A3n  O  z<0>#E8nPOPP]=>>>>>>>>>>]>>>><->>>>>><->>>>>><+<0>><(>><+<0>><-><-><+<0>>>><+<0>><+><+>><->>>>> S   Y&nQ\aA algebarsko rj> nPQNLKJ   ?*nQ\aAMii M i promotri-#OVQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$/Lz40` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' Ap{@@@B@@@  @ -[?M    - D-  T?x i=?x 5!({?x   -  -  C 9U?y E]t?yE ~O <|>>>>>>>]5>     f$nQ\aA etverokut n F ?v1v  ?v2v5,><->>>><->>>><->>>>>,Q)`{@@4(@ 4r\.#@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n ! A3n "  !g<0>f*2n  s<0>f"nQ\aApovrinatA3n "  %<0>fE8n%$"> $   |nQ\aAmjera> n   "nQ\aApovrinatn>><+><+>>><->>>>-> n)   "nQ\aArjeenjet> n#%&!   *nQ\aAMii M i promotri> n   nQ\aAideja4n4> , -.     N nQ\aAtrokuti-#"VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$FLz44` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' 9 z  2<0>T2 p Z0*SB~A~ B~l *$     nQ\aAf 2LnA @y@4(@ 4\.eG@B: &  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  H:n   b/)"""")@X n : F҇?C.  /    &HzG  &?    :b?  :OCZ?  - D -  -  E ?v     8'כP?x -8  F  TF;_?v00 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><+>>> hQ 9b  <0>H<=1 B0&SB~A~ B~l &nQ\aAg ]B3n    <0>G 9nb  !<0>H<=1 B0&SB~A~ B~l &#`nQ\aAfH:n   8 tX))@X n :!O? n :Cn2?n !  -n "G #?q$0$   <0>5 #*2&  Z<0>"nQ\aApovrinan #NNW/\?d$0N   <<0>N>><0>>>><0>>>>>x7NY>>>>>>>xExYN@p>>>>>>>>>>-@N #?v ?x> .-(   &nQ\aAideja> n&   %w nQ\aAtrapeza> n$ #   +nQ\aAosi> n,   p nQ\aApravac> n*   )nQ\aAopseg> n'   -(nQ\aAMii C i mjeri> n   +,"nQ\aApovrinamntr^>>> > n6   ^$nQ\aA domai radeB3n    ^<0> nQ\aAvisinarE8n8'>  89   +&nQ\aA (v,povrina)inHHb4>>>>bV> n;   *D"nQ\aArjeenjen,n# - = ># ? ?# @ ),HI?)1#  &H<0>DZ; AB. @ &B?Z; DBu> E   'nQ\aAkut-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$NLvrata` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') ~@؃@4(@ 4`.Y@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nX>Xf 9nz t<0>T1i Z0*SB~A~ B~B * ft}@Ps@@}@r@@ `@r@@   @ }>d?@   @/@ /@   -@ > @   nQ\aAosi 9nb t<0>H<=1 B0(SB~A~ B~($ gteH:   Z]`@Xq@i@@X@؃@@  @@ @ @  -@ /@  -@  -@ 5`@    u@@q@@|@v@@ %& @'@ (%@ @ %( -@ *)/@ (* -@ ,) -@ ,)5`@-%.& %- -+ +. .%P@q@@@w@@ 45 @6@ 74@ @ 47 -@ 98/@ 79 -@ ;8 -@ ;85`@<4=5 4< <: := =4> d/>%.&-4=5AB?@2301 #$!<   \&nQ\aA sakrij kuicu 9n~ <0>T1i ^0v(q0w+Fq0w   h H: D  &{݆TH @X 9b j<0>H<=1 B0v(q0w+Fq0w qjH: F  &{݆TH @X E :Md"? G :1?A IH> JIH   q,nQ\aAvisina nadstrenice> nD   "nQ\aAparaboladnllZ;Y>>Z;>c> nM   _"nQ\aA zakljuak-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$ƆLtunel` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MS ArialSa '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'ݾ$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' {>{a nQ\aAA r@`r@)@~@@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  C8nC?@C8C@  /  .   -     -    5[  <:q'<+>4>>>q>    !nQ\aAidejan{<+>>>>><+>>>>{^> n   $nQ\aA domai radnnQ\aAB j@0w@@nQ\aABd@0w@? @  @  /a9 /3@  =D<0>nQ\aAan G 9nn =X<0>0<xD N0 +v,(q0w,Fq0w` gH:   b/)Q5@X-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$Ljaja` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MSX ArialSa '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'ݾ$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' RO>>>RO O d j<0>0<xD D0?YY@??nQ\aAgjy Onb <0>0<xD B0?YY@??nQ\aAjaja On` <0>H<im @0?YY@??nQ\aAxi[Sn  ^000000>>>0>>>0>>>0>>>0>>>nQ\aA Ond i<0>0<xD D0?YY@??nQ\aAgi Onb <0>0<xD B0?YY@??nQ\aAjaja On` <0>H<im @0?YY@??nQ\aAxVQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$ Lrazni` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MSX ArialSa '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' bx>bx <+><->>>>x)>     "nQ\aArjeenjend/>>>d/{n<+><-<0>>>>> n   Y"nQ\aArjeenjenHFa3>>>a/no>>oo> n   $nQ\aA domai radVQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$Lkoncert` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MS ArialSa  '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' <0><0>>, @>W*>W\ O b <0>0<xD B0?YY@??nQ\aAc Onb <0>0<xD B0?YY@??nQ\aAljudi[Sn  *v 00000>>0>>0>>0>>0>>0>>0>>xnQ\aAj)n`k@v@4(@ 4`" @: &@  nQ\aAx7(n 7_k&?: &n   nQ\aAy='n   C8n CY@@C8 C[@P@C8 C^@@C8 C@`@0@C8 Ca@@@C8 Cb@ |@C8 Cd@y@ 9n +<0>0<xD N0 #SB~A~ B~2# f+H:   ٧?Qs2 k@X>    ?$nQ\aA Show Table > n0     C>nQ\aAtoke> n    EZ nQ\aApravacn~>>>T~> n   F&nQ\aA linearna fjan\Z'$G<+>><0>>?'$X> n   J nQ\aAzaradaa> n   J"nQ\aA kvadratnan`^J>>>>>~N> n   J"nQ\aArjeenje-# VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$ Lnatjecanja` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MS'''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'ݾ$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' [<+<0>>><+<0>><+<0>>>>>><+<0>>>><+<0>>><|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><0><|><|><|><|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><0>>>>[9 86 "> [?VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.>$=L!28algebarski` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` ArialSaComic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'ݾ$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAB@`@@nQ\aAA @`@@nQ\aAC E}@ Uv@@8>>>>>>nQ\aAt[1]8n<+><->>><0>>nQ\aAt[2]#_4(n 4\.B@: &n  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n   ? n  n  L@m/3  $<0>nQ\aAmG 9n j  <0>0<xD J0/SB~A~ B~~/#`nQ\aAfG 9n r <0>T1i R0 (SB~A~ B~~(!` ` nQ\aAgn  0 3n b #<0>0<xD B0SB~A~ B~~`0 3n  n U<0>0<xD N0 SB~A~ B~~#`` ` E8n T1"  TT=@>>>>1H:   ={)dJg)@XH:   ={)dJg)@X>    "nQ\aArjeenjen!>>>>><+>>>>>2!8> n   dnQ\aAideja> n8      "nQ\aApromotriN Kn   <0>H<>< 0%@gLgL8F ``  `` H:n   ={)dJg)@X-# VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. 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